We welcomed back the Neads this week! Rachael, Jeff, Alec & Kennley had been a part of the SOM community for 3 years before trying something different in September. They have chosen to join us once again and we are happy to have them back! Kennley is in our Sprout room.
This week we were all about the pumpkins! We discussed parts of a pumpkin, the pumpkin life cycle, read some fun pumpkin stories and created Jack-o-lantern faces. Each sprout designed a face on a paper plate and then we voted on which two to use for our carving and painting activity today.
The Sprouts decided to carve one of our pumpkins and paint the other. We worked together to clean out the pumpkins and saved the seeds for a yummy snack afterwards. Students sorted thee seeds and chose to count by tens to find our totals. Our carved pumpkin had 503 seeds while our painted had 342 = 845 seeds in total! 🙌🏼 The students chose to season the seeds with garlic and salt. Yumm.
We began our Literacy & Math centre rotation this week. This is something that we will continue almost daily, throughout the year. The Sprouts explored 5 different centres between Monday & Tuesday, each incorporating Letter and/or Number Magic as well as other strands of our Magic curriculum that were relevant.
Monday was our first ‘Mystery Bag Monday,’ with Lola starting us off. She did a wonderful job! Next week will be Jude’s turn.