We’re back at it! Everyone was happy to reconnect with their peers this week. It was lovely to hear about the students’ Christmases and other fun holiday activities. ☺️
We started our week with a story about Gratitude and reflected on what we were grateful for in 2024 at TSOM. I shared some photos from the past few months, sparking memories of the things we got up to between September-December. The Sprouts then organized and pasted the photos onto our collage board. They added doodles and decorations afterwards as well. It’s our class “masterpiece” and is on display in the classroom.
Yesterday we completed a portfolio activity. Students wrote down one thing they were proud of themselves for in 2024 and what they would like to learn in the 2025 portion of our school year. Each Sprout shared their reflection with the class. Ask your child to share what they wrote with you. ☺️
With the introduction of our Animal (bear) & Plant (pine) of the month today, we got back into our Letter & Number Magic centres. Students learned about the distinguishing features of both, completing some colouring/fact sheets. A favourite math game came out: Sum Swamp, to help students build on their number sense. We reviewed digraphs (ch, sh, th), explored some geometry with our geoboards, played a memory game and some made journal entries.
Math & Reading groups began this week as well. During our silent reading period, I am pulling two students at a time to work on different math and literacy skills at their learning level. We got off to a great start and the students are looking forward to their turns.
The Sprouts also learned how to make paper snowflakes this week and had a blast on our Tuesday trek in the snow. Today we all got to have a pomegranate snack thanks to Ethan’s mom Pam. Yum!
Mystery Bag Monday will resume next week with Lola.