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Writer's pictureCourtney Matesic

Sprouts: Nov 4-6 (CORE)

On Monday we read ‘The Curious Why,’ which sparked discussion around what it means to be curious and what the students were curious about. Last week Preston expressed curiosity around whether a pumpkin would float or not. This week we tried it out - along with a list of other items to experiment with. As a class, we recorded which items sank and which floated, and discussed the reasons why that is. We learned that things that have air in them (like pumpkins and wood) will float/are more buoyant.

Sink & Float then became a centre within our Letter & Number Magic rotation this week. Other centres included: number formation, even & odd number exploration, the pumpkin life cycle, journals, plant identification (burdock), and crunchy leaf wands.

We also got curious about Share the Magic Day and what we could create to sell. The Sprouts helped me create a list of items that we got started on this week.

We had the opportunity to participate in the creation of care packages for the homeless, this week. This is an initiative being put on by the church. The Sprouts decorated the cards for the packages, adding beautiful messages and drawings.

It will be Oakley’s turn for Mystery Bag Monday.


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