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Seedlings & Saplings CORE Jan 27-29

Writer's picture: Jessica SmallsJessica Smalls

In math centers on Monday, the Seedlings jumped into fast multiplication games to build their knowledge in a fast fun way, while Saplings explored cribbage (counting & strategy) and prime climb (prime numbers, factors and strategy). On Tuesday Seedlings began working through simple multiplication worksheets (up to x5) while Saplings explored division deeper with divisor/dividend omissions and creating their own long division questions. In language centers, students explored their body magic words for the respiratory system since many of these words were brand new to the group. Students were able to create and practice their own 10 word spelling lists from the great list of respiration words. Seedlings explored a new spelling rule and created their own examples, while Saplings completed their language review and check up of what we have learned to date (homophones and appropriate word use, apostrophes for multiples and possession, etc).

On Monday afternoon students began exploring the upper and lower respiratory system, as we utilized fact sheets, our human body model, and our own bodies. Students landmarked on their own bodies their larynx (voice box and epiglottis), pharynx, lungs and diaphragm. They also learned about their breath and gas exchange from the lungs to the blood. A Body Magic package was provided with definitions of the system and the responsibilities of the system. I was too engaged (what I call geeking out) for photos!

Our new afternoon routine seems to be a big hit with lots of continued learning. Students arrive back in the classroom after recess, identify their feelings and what they prefer to do to shift them (if they need to). Students then have a 15 minute window to shift. Many are finding they can shift from a low vibe feeling to a higher vibe quickly. Tuesday many learned that their choices are not set in stone, as a short group game led to she students experiencing lower vibes than they started they shifted to another action that felt better.

On Tuesday afternoon, Ethan provided the students with their first student lesson of the year. He supported everyone through the recipe he adapted for bean burritoz (his fun spelling). Everyone participated, had fun and sampled their creation with the majority of students providing feedback at the end of their recipe stating their burrito was amazing!! Great work Ethan!!! Other students were inspired by Ethan's lesson and it allowed them the opportunity to see a level 3 badge requirement in action. There were many laughs as Ethan navigated his lesson with wry candor and occasional hilarity <3

Spirit Day was a blast! The students determined the flow of the day after some circle time learning more about one another and lots of laughs. Free time followed which resulted in lots of game play. After lunch there was some open centre time and at 2pm we had our very first presentation day of the year for completed badge work!!!

Congratulations are in order for Stella, Zoë and Ellie who each presented 3 Animal Magic posters and officially earned their Level 1 Animal Magic badges (all badges will be received at our end of year ceremony). More congratulations are in order for Ethan who presented 4 songs he learned to sing and had recorded for us all to listen to, earning him his Level 2 Music Magic badge!!! Ethan also earned one part of three required for his Level 3 Music Magic Badge, and along with his food magic lesson Tuesday, he now has a credit toward his level 3 Food Magic badge as well!!! Hazel earned her second part of three for her Level 3 Creation Magic badge by teaching last years Sprouts (now Seedlings) and Kassidy how to crochet!!! Khloe also shared the first part of her Moose presentation that is going toward her Level 3 Animal Magic badge as well!!!

What an incredible week, and there is so much more wonder to come!!

In our morning Seedling & Sapling circle this morning, I shared with the students that I will have a student teacher (Pamela Reid - Ethan's Mom) in shadowing my Fridays with me, in preparation for a Friday take over. I also shared with the students (again) that this will be my last year as a teacher as I move into an administrative/ceremonial role for the coming September. I am also exploring what will be required to hand over the remainder of the school year to another teacher and support that shift a little sooner than September (I shared this with students which is why I am sharing it with you all). My shift into my other job (supporting others to heal) looks like it may happen much sooner than I anticipated. I want to ensure everyone is up to date with upcoming changes so it is not a surprise....and I promise you all that only the very best teachers will be added in my place, because they get to be better than me <3

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