Our first Share The Magic day was a HUGE success!! Though our numbers (income and profits) are not all in yet, half the students popped into the classroom at end of day Wednesday to start working on their math...they are all VERY excited to learn how they did.
Our Monday and Tuesday this week were filled with finishing up the last of student products for sale, and focused on packaging. As students completed their own tasks, they began jumping in to support our new Seedlings with their product completion and it was beautiful to watch the magic happen as everything landed in place at just the right time.
On our sale day, there were a few student businesses that came in unprepared. All students got to see how diligence every day pays off, how distractions will always pop up, and that we are always in control of our focus. Some big emotions came up too, as I supported a few students to understand that their lack of diligence in the 4 weeks leading to the big day, does not constitute an emergency on the sale day. We get to move with urgency for 4 weeks so we can enjoy ourselves on share the magic days. We will be reflecting on the big lessons learned next week along with finishing up the last bits of our business math curriculum.
I am so deeply proud of our student businesses for their vision, determination, and commitment to the day. Everyone worked through their nerves and big feelings, connected with customers and had fun! High giving students as they came into the foyer to report they were almost sold out and then totally sold out, filled my heart to overflowing.
The support at this sale was the greatest we have seen yet. I am excited to see our numbers to know what came through the school on Wednesday.
Thank you from the depths of my heart to all the parents, family and friends who came out to support us!! Without your support, our sale day would be very quiet.
Make a fantastic weekend everyone!!