We started our day indoors with our regular morning circle routine. Making space to release, ground and protect our energy, the students worked with their tools to prepare them for their day. It was fun to get back into our ‘outdoor day’ routine of choosing an animal spirit card to guide us. We found sunny indoor sit spots and sat with our messages, reflecting and sharing afterwards.
To move our bodies we had a dance party and practiced yoga. We then got creative and made some salted snowflakes using glue, table salt and paint on paper. They turned out beautifully! We also decorated the front window with window writers.
After lunch we brought some boiled water outside to see what would happen if we tossed it up in the air…it turned into a big steamy cloud! We discussed the different states of matter (liquid & gas) and tried it a second time.
Our hike took us to the snow hills and the playground. We shared our foraged items and our favourite parts of the day when we returned, and ended with some tea and group games.
On Friday we had a fabulous indoor start finishing up snowflake art from yesterday and creating some new art after our morning routine of visualization, animal cards, yoga and dance party. We constructed a triangular pyramid portable fire and put our hopes and dreams and sacred medicines inside from the end of last year <3. We also made paper snowflakes to decorate the windows.
We went for a big hike to visit our friend Doug the Douglas For...Oakley and Lola led the way and we found him, as neither Ethan and I knew him. We made our own homemade bubbles to see if they would freeze...they didn't, however we did catch some on our straws and some froze before they popped! We checked out some enormous icicles and harvested them to see how long they were compared to us. Lola and Oakley brought their icicles on our hike, where we checked out the creek and the ice formations and found what was left of an animal up in the branches of our friend Doug!
At the end of the day, after we warmed up with our lunch and dance party, we headed back outside to set our pyramid on fire. We learned that snow puts out fire and that sacred medicines in the fire smell really good and different to everyone! We shared what our favourite parts of the day were around our fire and ended our day outside enjoying the last bits of our indoor created fire.
Create a happy weekend!!