🍂 September Meeting Minutes
Apple Land: Tomorrow
• Still on! We are moving forward despite the small chance of rain.
Chat Issues
• Most people have a working chat again now.
• For those who don’t, we will continue to work through the issue.
• Feel free to submit a personal support ticket on your end to speed up the process.
Community Item Swap
• Pam suggested coming to together with household items that you no longer want, to exchange with our community.
• Parents are welcomed to organize this event.
• Let us know how we can support you in this.
• Students are welcomed to wear their Halloween costumes to school on our October spirit day.
Fundraising for Field Trips
• If you have ideas for fundraising, please share them in this forum.
• We would love to raise money to support future field trips.
Tuition Fund
• We are always looking for donations to support families in need within our community and those who would like to join us but can’t due to financial difficulties.
• Please share this link with friends and family. Any amount helps. https://www.theschoolofmagic.org/donate
Helping the Homeless
• The students have been asked to create hand made cards to be given out to our local unhomed population in East London.
• A group of volunteers from a few different churches in the area are seeking support by financial donation and volunteers to help get warm meals out to people. We will be donating some of our potato harvest for this.
• If anyone is willing and able to donate financially, food, diapers, and/or personal care products (tooth paste, tooth brushes, teas, warm socks, etc) please reach out to Jessica and she will connect you with Mary in the Community of Christ congregation for next steps.
It was nice to meet those who were there, especially as first time SoM parents!